Web Crawling with node.js and cheerio

Sven Schannak
1 min readOct 16, 2018


If you are a web developer and want to get started with web crawling without any experience in a language like Python it is a good idea to use node.js with your knowledge in JavaScript. To start web crawling you dont need anything else than an installed Node Environment and access to a shell. If you dont have Node already installed you can download the installer here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

After you installed the node environment you have to create a new directory. Open your terminal and change your current working directory to the directory you just have created. Now execute the command npm init. Just fill in the requested data (they are all optional and you can just press ENTER). The command npm init lets you create a new node project by creating a package.json file. To create the first crawling project, you have to install cheerio for parsing and working with html data and axios for making the http requests to a site.

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